Casablanca News

Posted by ModernMorocco in -

The city of Casablanca have been put on the spotlight with the opening of The Morocco Mall which is ranked in the top 5 of the best malls in the world thanks to the diversity of the activities that it offers and to the luxury well-known brands that opened their first stores in Morocco'Mall.The inhabitants of Casablanca are very curious to see the biggest mall of Africa which has opened in their city.
This month is going to be very important for Casablanca. First of all, because Casablanca Stadium's design will be unveiled very soon according to the ancient Sports Minister who said it was going to be one of the most beautiful stadium in the world. He also announced that the final design is going to be unveiled by the future Sports Minister of the new government.
On December 22, the design of Casablanca's tramway will also be unveiled. It will be a very important day, because the Casawis will finally see what will probably solve all ther transportation problems. The open to public of the first tram line is scheduled on December 12 2012.