Transportation : What's about Casablanca ?

Posted by ModernMorocco in -

Casablanca is the economic city and the largest city in Morocco. It is also the biggest and the most populous city in Maghreb with a population of about 4 millions inhabitants. Today moving in Casablanca is a nightmare ! Indeed, there are big traffic jams all over the city that hampers both cars and buses from moving. The city authorities are attempting to solve transportation problems thanks to ongoing projects such as the regional rail link that will join Mohammedia to CIA (Casablanca International Airport) with underground stations in the city center, a 30 km-long tramway line that will link the principal neighbourhoods of the city, the 20 km-long subway line and two BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) lines on the two most crowded streets linking the northern part of Casablanca to the southern one. But for now, the inhabitants should be patient untill the end of the works.
Tramway Works - April 2011